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Unexplained Infertility: A Closer Look

Ever found yourself thinking, “After all those tests, how can there be no answers?” If this resonates with you, and you’ve invested time and resources at a fertility clinic without a clear cause for your struggle to conceive, you might have been handed the diagnosis of Unexplained Infertility.

Rest assured, you’re not alone. Approximately one in five couples, and 20–30% of fertility patients, grapple with the absence of a definitive explanation for their conception challenges.

The truth is, diagnostic tests can identify major obstacles to conception, but they often fall short in pinpointing more subtle infertility factors. However, not having a precise cause doesn’t mean you’re out of options.

Exploring Fertility Risk Factors

Let’s delve into the common causes of infertility — the lifestyle factors and medical issues that can influence your fertility.

Fertility Risk Factors

Smoking: Consider bidding farewell to smoking before embarking on your conception journey. Beyond overall health benefits, quitting nicotine can enhance fertility. Smoking has the potential to harm fallopian tubes, cervix, and impact sperm health and motility. Some experts even suggest that smoking accelerates the aging of eggs and ovaries.

Body Weight: Maintaining a healthy weight is crucial. Both being overweight and underweight can disrupt ovulation frequency, a key factor in getting pregnant. Monitoring your diet and alcohol intake is vital while trying to conceive. For those at an unhealthy body weight, a modest 5% gain or loss can help regulate ovulation.

Age: Age takes the top spot among risk factors impacting fertility. The quantity and quality of eggs decline after age 35, raising the risk of miscarriage and making it more challenging to conceive and maintain pregnancy as you grow older.

Unraveling Medical Issues

To conceive, you essentially need three things: ovulation, access to healthy sperm and viable eggs, and open fallopian tubes leading to a healthy uterus where the embryo can thrive.

Common Medical Issues

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS): A hormonal imbalance disrupting ovulation, PCOS is a common cause of infertility in individuals with ovaries.

Endometriosis: This condition occurs when uterine lining grows outside the uterus, potentially causing blockages, inflammation, and affecting egg quality.

Premature Ovarian Failure: When ovaries cease quality egg production before age 40.

Thyroid Issues: Irregular periods may result from an imbalance in thyroid hormone production, a condition easily treatable.

Cervical Mucus Issues: Abnormal cervical mucus can hinder sperm movement and prevent fertilization.

Damaged or Blocked Fallopian Tubes: Infertility may arise when sperm can’t reach the egg for fertilization or when the fertilized egg can’t implant due to blocked tubes.

Uterine Fibroids: Non-cancerous tissue masses, when growing inside the uterus, may impact fertility depending on size, amount, and location.

Male Infertility: Often overlooked, male infertility is more common than you might think. Partner testing is crucial to assess the complete fertility equation — sperm health.

Your Journey to Forever Family

Remember, you’re on a path to building your forever family, and we’re here to support you every step of the way. Feel free to reach out if you have any specific questions. Wishing you success on your journey!

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