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The Hidden Weight of Scheduled Intercourse for Fertility

Fertility challenges are impartial to gender, yet the struggle often disproportionately burdens women in heterosexual relationships. Lowen Berenson, the innovative mind behind Conceive, sheds light on the unexpected pressures of timing intimacy for conception.

The Undisclosed Tensions of Planned Intercourse

While navigating my own path to parenthood, my partner was my rock, present for every high and low. His support was unwavering, but the brunt of the journey — the emotional, physiological, and especially logistical challenges — often rested on me. Infertility is frequently approached as a women’s health issue, overlooking its impact on all genders.

The multitude of clinic visits mainly targeted me, along with an internalized guilt that seemed to accompany my role as the potential birth-giver. My days were filled with nutritional dilemmas, sleep patterns, and a confusing array of supplements.

Navigating the Cognitive Overload of Conception

Societal norms subtly delegate the task of timing intercourse to women. What used to be an intimate connection now gets replaced by fertility app notifications and marked dates in a calendar. It’s no surprise, considering the deep-seated gender expectations that even popular culture perpetuates. Women bear the brunt of researching fertility, evident in search trends and market targeting.

Complicating matters was our geographical separation during this time. My husband and I were practically living on opposite coasts, making it a logistical nightmare to align our schedules with my biological clock. It felt like our attempts at conception were as erratic as our flights.

Embracing Tools to Alleviate Timed Conception Strain

If only I had known back then that there were alternatives. Years ago, advanced home insemination tools were either non-existent or not perceived as options for someone like me. But these kits are a godsend for couples who struggle with timing. They eliminate missed opportunities that arise from incompatible schedules.

With MakeAmom, my partner could have provided a sample before an early flight, ensuring not a single chance was lost.

Acknowledging the mental strain involved in trying to conceive led me to create Conceive. As CEO, I focus on helping our clients conceive more effectively, affordably, and with less stress. Our mission is to assist members in understanding their fertility and to support them every step of the way — this includes prioritizing mental health as much as physical.

Seeking Community and Solutions in the Conception Journey

Just like it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a community to create one. Even with an amazing partner, the need for a broader support network became clear to me. Striving for parenting equality starts with addressing the balance in the conception process itself.

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